We have a comprehensive understanding of the Social Security/Disability process
Social Security Disability / Disability Insurance Benefits
If you are struggling and unable to work, you may be eligible for disability from the Social Security Administration. There are two main types of disability, SSD and SSI. The non-medical requirements are different, but the medical requirements are the same for both.
In order to receive disability, you must have medical issues that keep you from working and earning substantial gainful activity. The medical issues must be severe and medical proof is needed to show you are disabled. The disability must last for 12 months or be expected to result in death. The diagnosis can be mental, physical, or a combination of the two.
Want to know whether your diagnosis could be considered disabling or what medical proof is required? Contact an experienced attorney to discuss your situation and find out if you might be eligible.
To qualify for SSD benefits you must show:
1. Disability
2. Insured status
• You are “insured” when you have paid enough FICA taxes for five of the last ten years before becoming disabled (4 credits per year, 20 credits out of the last 40 possible, fewer if under age 31).
• Social Security will tell you when you make your disability application if you are insured.
• In certain situations, family members may be entitled to benefits based on your insured status.
Do you have a question?
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Disability claims can be complicated. There are many forms to complete, various levels of appeals, and tight deadlines. An attorney can help you complete the necessary paperwork, file appeals for you, and guide you thru the process. A lawyer will know what medical proof is needed, communicate with the government, and prepare you for appointments or testimony.
An attorney can help at any point in the case. The sooner we talk with someone, the sooner we can advise them on how to deal with the Social Security Administration and avoid missing any important deadlines. For most cases, we charge a contingency fee, meaning there are no up front costs and we get paid only if you win.
To qualify for SSI benefits you must show
1. Disability
2. Poverty
• A disabled individual is not eligible for SSI if he or she has more than $2,000.00 in assets.
• A married disabled individual living with the spouse is not eligible for SSI if he or she has more than $3,000.00 in assets.
• Some exemptions that SSA does not count toward a resource limit: the house you live in; the value of one vehicle used for transportation; life insurance policies when the total face value is $1,500.00 or less per person; burial funds up to $1,500.00 each for you and your spouse; burial plots or spaces for you and your immediate family; property you use in a trade or business; retroactive SSI or DIB benefits paid to you for 9 months after you receive them; household goods and personal effects.

A personal approach
At First Ally, we get to know our clients, the judges, and experts. We’ve designed our firm around individuals – our clients’ needs as individuals; understanding individual judges’ approaches; and individual questions tailored towards specific experts. This personalized approach helps us prove why and how our individual clients’ disabilities keep them from working full-time jobs.